Celebrate being in the exclusive club of woman 45+ with MENO-FREE
Natural comfort, in a bottle.
We have created a natural and professional massage treatment oil with luxurious yet simple home care to target the symptoms associated with menopause and perimenopause. This formula can be combined with any massage sequence or application and offers a luxurious texture that is deeply nourishing.
As women, we are lucky enough to go through many transitions in life. From girl to teenager, to young adult, to mature woman. Menopause is just another transition in the continuum of life.
Meno-Free offers natural and topical support with a unique formula made with diligently selected, all-vegan, wild-harvested, natural ingredients. The benefits are plentiful to comfort, calm and nurture the modern woman so she can embrace this change and transition comfortably.
Symptoms of Menopause explained by our expert, Dr Nye:
Muscle and joint pain and tension
This time in a woman’s life is also when she can develop diverse musculoskeletal symptoms. These symptoms are often linked to stress and anxiety and there are many essential oils that address these issues. Oils with analgesic, anti-inflammatory, muscle-relaxant and anxiolytic properties, in particular.
Night sweats
These are basically hot flashes that happen at night. They generally disrupt sleep and make one feel grotty due to the fatigue that manifests from insufficient sleep, besides the fact that bedding can get drenched if it is severe, which means getting up and changing the sheets, then struggling to get back to sleep again, creating a vicious cycle. Soothing, calming and sedating oils are very beneficial for this symptom.
Dry skin
Declining oestrogen levels and diminishing collagen levels lead to dry skin. itchy. The moisturizing ingredients in the lotions and creams helps to alleviate this, along with essential oils that address this condition.
Panic attacks
Menopausal women are more susceptible to panic attacks than most of the general population. Essential oils that have anxiolytic and calming action are immensely valuable to help cope with this condition.
Brain fog/difficulty concentrating
Feel like you need more than a cup of coffee to get going? A spritz of the energizing Cool Calming Mist with its stimulating peppermint oil can help to create focus.
Breast tenderness
Once again, dramatic changes in hormone levels are the responsible for this symptom during the menopause, just as during menstruation and pregnancy. Applying essential oil lotions with appropriate essential oils can ease this tenderness.
Depression & Melancholy/Sadness
Depression is four times more likely to affect women of a menopausal age than a woman below the age of 45, and sadness and irritability are often cohorts of this condition. Essential oils with uplifting properties, as are present in all 4 products, are valuable in easing these manifestations.
Digestive system disruptions
Changes in hormones can lead to digestive disturbances like bloating, indigestion, constipation, diarrhoea and cramps. [Note: Essential oils, especially those found in Bye Bye Belly Blues Genie are excellent for these conditions.]
Disrupted sleep/Insomnia goes hand-in-glove with night sweats. Sedative or nervine essential oils, some of which are in the Comfort Body Night Lotion, are excellent for easing this symptom.
The bane of a woman’s life whether during the menopause, or otherwise, but extreme tiredness is definitely exacerbated by this transition. Essential oils that assist with sleep promotion, as well as mood enhancement, and those that have energizing properties all help improve this condition.
Some women experience more headaches during the menopause than pre- menopause, and essential oils can help to effectively calm this symptom down.