What are stretch marks?
If you look on some skins, you will see something that looks like parallel lines on the skin. These lines do not have the same texture and color of the normal skin. They differ significantly. The color may range from light gray to bright pink and even purple. If stretch marks are touched with the fingers, an indentation or a slight ridge is felt on the skin. In some cases, the marks may be sore or have an itchy feeling.
Stretch marks appear during pregnancy or after pregnancy. They also appear when the individual has undergone a sudden weight change. Fast-growing adolescents also experience stretch marks. It is important to note that stretch marks are not dangerous, and they disappear over time.
Stretch marks can occur on any part of the body, but they are very common on the upper arms, the breasts, the stomach, and the thighs.
Causes of stretch marks
Two important factors are responsible for stretch marks – first is the stretching of the skin, and, a rise in cortisone concentration in the system. Cortisone is produced by the adrenal glands. When the concentration of this hormone is too high, it causes a loss of skin elasticity.
Certain circumstances may warrant the formation of stretch marks. They include:
- Pregnancy: This is an important cause of stretch mark. During pregnancy, the skin stretches in order to create more room for the developing fetus. As the skin stretches and tugs continually, marks form.
- Another condition that may warrant the formation of stretch marks is the rapid loss or gain of weight.
- Certain substances reduce the skin’s ability to stretch. These include lotions, corticosteroid creams, pills, and lotions.
- Disorders of the adrenal glands such as Marfan’s syndrome, Cushing’s syndrome, and Ehlers-Danlos syndrome causes marks by raising the concentration of cortisol in the body.
What are the risk factors for stretch marks?
The risk for marks is increased by the following factors:
- Belonging to the female gender
- Caucasians (having pale skin)
- History of stretch marks in the family
- Pregnancy
- A history of delivering twins or large-sized babies
- Obesity or overweight
- A sudden gain or loss in weight
- Excessive use of corticosteroid injections
Diagnosing stretch marks
Stretch marks can be diagnosed by a simple physical examination of the skin. Your physician may also review your medical history to know whether you have an underlying medical condition or not. If the stretch marks are a manifestation of a serious illness, then an imaging, urine, or blood test may be done for confirmation
Treatment for stretch marks does not last forever.
They fade with time. But if you cannot wait for it to fade naturally, then there are treatments that can help improve their appearance.
In most cases, stretch marks are improved through skin care. Some of the ways include:
- Use of anti-aging cream: This cream restores your skin’s collagen. The collagen is a fibrous protein that improves the elasticity of your skin. This cream works best on stretch marks that occurred of recent. They are usually pink or red in color.
- Pulsed dye laser therapy: This promotes the growth of elastin and collagen. Pulse dye laser therapy is best used on newly-formed stretch marks. There is the chance of skin discoloration if it is applied to dark-skinned individuals.
- Fractional photothermolysis: This works just like the pulsed dye laser therapy because it is done with a laser. Its mechanism of action is different though. Fractional photothermolysis targets small areas of the skin, resulting in less damage to the skin.
- Microdermabrasion: Tiny crystals are used to polish the skin. This removes the stretch marks, giving rise to a new skin. With microdermabrasion, you can also give the stretch marks on your skin a better appearance.
- The excimer laser: This stimulates the production of melanin. The goal is to match the appearance of the stretch marks with that of the surrounding skin.
Is there any difference between cellulite and stretch marks?
Yes! Cellulite differs from stretch marks. Cellulite appears like dimpled skin. Cellulite appears mostly on the skin, hips, abdomen, hips, buttocks, and thighs. Cellulite is more common in women than it is in men. However, both genders are at risk of the problem. Stretch marks, also known as striae, take on the form of indented streaks. They manifest on the breast, thigh, buttocks, upper arms and the abdomen. When newly formed, stretch marks have red, purple or pink coloration. With time, the color fades to white and a substance like a scare develops
How does Bellabaci treat your stretch marks?
With our Bellabaci Facial Cupping system, combined with the Genie in a Bottle massage lotions, you are sure of a non-invasive solution to your stretch marks. We also have the Bellabaci Cellulite Be Gone 3-Step Kit that helps to fight off the stretch marks. The Cellulite Be Gone Genie can be applied twice daily to the target areas. We also have the Bellabaci cups that are widely used at luxury spas and at homes. The Bellabaci cups have cumulative benefits so make time at least 2-3x weekly. You need just a few minutes. So grab your cups while watching TV, lying in bed or even in the shower using your shower gel and apply the Genie after drying the skin.