Think you don’t need saturated fat? Think again..
Saturated fat got it’s bad wrap from the 80’s. Back when the low-fat diets took over many households. Studies then concluded that there is a very strong link between saturated fat and heart disease, obesity and high LDL cholesterol. Yes, yes, it’s higher in calories at 9 calories to a gram compared to protein and carbs at 4 calories per gram.. But saturated fat may have received its bad reputation unfairly.
The real “baddy” out there is trans-fat. Think cakes, cookies, doughnuts etc.. Trans fat increases your LDL (bad) cholesterol, and lowers your HDL (good) cholesterol. Recently, food companies were forced to put the amount of trans-fat on the food labels. This is to make people aware of how much they are consuming. Unfortunately, many food companies use trans fat instead of oil. All because it reduces cost, extends storage life of products and can improve flavor and texture. Avoid anything that says hydrogenated or trans in the ingredient list.
Humans have been consuming saturated fats for most of their existence on earth and therefore, they have consumed saturated fats for most of that time. If saturated fats were of no value or were harmful to you, why would breast milk produce saturated fats like butyric, caproic, caprylic, capric, lauric, myristic, palmitic and stearic acids? These provide a naturally perfected source of nourishment to ensure the growth, development and survival of your infants. All in moderation though for child and adult consumption though. Saturated fat is still calorie-dense.. Saturated fat also shouldn’t take up more than 30-50% of your daily calorie intake.
Not all saturated fat sources need to be of animal source, such as meat eggs or dairy. You can choose a healthy option such as coconut oil, palm oil, and I’m very happy to report, CHOCOLATE! That goes for raw, dark chocolate though.. Saturated fats, such as canola, is best left alone. It is linked to causing an inflammatory response in the body. A western diet contains too much Omega 6, causing the same response. Rather substitute with Omega 3. Hello Salmon! Omega 3 isn’t called your ESSENTIAL fatty acid for nothing..
What do you need Saturated Fats for?
- Optimal liver function
- Healthy Brain
- Strong lung tissue
- Cardiovascular health
- Bone health
- Nerve communication
- Immune system health and function